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Marketing and Communications Counsel
for Leaders of Innovative Technology Corporations

What is the Best Way to Highlight Company Strengths to Customers, Partners, and the Marketplace?

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Navigating the right method to promote promote positive company information can be overwhelming. Is there a best way to approach sharing news and how does the marketing department succeed in connecting with its target audience?

There are many mediums in which to disseminate the various messages. Blogs, keynote speeches, press releases, podcasts, social media posts, banners, tutorial sessions at conferences, expert videos and many more.

The litany of topics is also abundant:

  • Customer wins
  • VC investment/earnings/growth
  • Aquisitions
  • Helpful tips and lists
  • New talent added to the executive team
  • Trends
  • White papers
  • News article and review highlights
  • Product advances
  • Analyst report placements
  • Partnerships

Rather than focusing on the best approach, the content is where the main emphasis needs to be placed. If the announcement is a sales pitch, you have already failed in effectively touching your base.

Instead, think of educating, providing insight into a current topic that affects the industry, stated in a positive tone that highlights success. All in the “Five W’s”, keep it reasonable in length and add a graphic that attracts the eye and correlates to the message, when appropriate. This format will give you a starting point for every communication.

Cadence is also an important factor to consider. If you are pushing out random data that is not resonating, more frequently than desired, followers will drop off and emails will be deleted immediately. Offering solid positioning and useful information that your desired reader/viewer will actually enjoy is the goal. Less is more.

Balancing an ongoing outreach of interesting messaging across multiple channels is the winning ticket to garner the respect and attention of your coveted audience.