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Marketing and Communications Counsel
for Leaders of Innovative Technology Corporations

24/7 Perspectives

  • Do Your Values Rise Up?

    Do Your Values Rise Up? The “work from home” model of 2020 has granted us the time to reflect and prioritize the essentials.  We have modified all aspects of our lives and routines have flexed. One component that has not changed; communication. It is still paramount to survival.  Our various communications offer opportunities to convey…

  • What is the Best Way to Highlight Company Strengths to Customers, Partners, and the Marketplace?

    Navigating the right method to promote promote positive company information can be overwhelming. Is there a best way to approach sharing news and how does the marketing department succeed in connecting with its target audience? There are many mediums in which to disseminate the various messages. Blogs, keynote speeches, press releases, podcasts, social media posts,…

  • From Freak Out to Rock Star Speaker

    This scenario may sound familiar as you have heard the stories from others.  You have been asked to speak to your peers at an upcoming industry event and now the story becomes very personal.  You are initially honored, but immediately question your ability to pull it off. Your content is solid, but you have no…

  • The Process of Establishing and Maintaining Media Relationships

    As a public relations executive, I have determined over the years what works and does not in representing clients with the media and their respective outlets. A press release is a one way modality of delivering information, but not an exchange between source and writer. Contacting the media and analyst community is not as simple…

  • Handle a Public Relations Error Like a Pro

    Every business makes a mistake now and then. If you’re lucky, only you will notice. Some mistakes, however, affect other people, and you have to go public with the mistake – and the remedy. You’ll need to take responsibility, apologize and demonstrate diplomacy. One of the best places to do this is on your website.…