Do Your Values Rise Up?
The “work from home” model of 2020 has granted us the time to reflect and prioritize the essentials. We have modified all aspects of our lives and routines have flexed. One component that has not changed; communication. It is still paramount to survival. Our various communications offer opportunities to convey our values throughout each day. Sometimes we have to discuss a topic that may not be popular, but very necessary to align our actions with our ethical position. Sharing what we feel is important needs to be clear in our messaging– in a phone conversation, social media post or Zoom meeting. Represent your beliefs.
Now is the time to 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄:
ℝ Respect. Recognize. Reinforce.
𝐈 Innovate. Include. Inspire.
𝕊 Strength. Strategy. Stretch.
𝐄 Encourage. Educate. Empower.
Words matter more than ever. Use them for good. The stage is set and you are the speaker. Carry on being proactive through all mediums — podcasts, virtual team activities and inspiring videos are all wonderful vehicles to express your principles — 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄!